Thursday, July 21, 2016
“Wedding Planning” To some people those two words equate to a blissful time period of picking out venues, dresses, food, flowers, and more. Those people are not wrong by any means! Planning a wedding really should be all sorts of wonderful and exciting. However, to the Brides and Grooms currently amidst this process... those words could correlate with some pretty intense emotions right now (still exciting but Hey! It's not easy!). None the less, a wedding IS the day of all days. It's your day.
A lot of people these days are opting to plan their own weddings rather than using a wedding coordinator. If you are, were, or know one of those people; you know just how much really goes into the “D.I.Y” (Do It Yourself) version. Some of the most beautiful wedding’s we’ve been a part of have been planned without help of a wedding planner. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for wedding planners as well, but there’s something so gratifying about doing anything like that on your own. Oh, and by “on your own” I mean mainly on your own...with a minimum of 10 calls/texts/emails a day to family, friends, caterers, DJs, photographers, and of course your significant other.
There are so many decisions that need to be made that often times the smallest of details can get overlooked. For example: I attended a wedding last year that was absolutely breathtaking. However, the wedding planner was unaware that the mother-of-the-groom was terribly allergic to sunflowers. This specific wedding must have had hundreds of sunflowers. Don’t worry; she was alright in the end. But I’m pretty sure the poor thing was sneezing in every photo. In the wedding planner’s defense, her own son had forgotten about her allergies. You get the picture.
So while you’re swamped with these big decisions, try and keep the following in mind: No matter what, it is your day and it WILL be special. I’m just here to remind you of a detail that has the potential to make it onto that accidentally overlooked list.
With outdoor weddings becoming more and more popular, we feel this is one of those important details to remember. Now imagine you’re at wedding! Connecticut is full of picturesque places; so, place yourself at whichever one comes to mind first. No big buildings obstructing your view. No cars driving by. Just the sound of a live band and the voices of those surrounding you. Sounds beautiful, right? It is. It’s been hot out, though, so you’ve been drinking plenty of water (maybe a little champagne) to stay hydrated. Nature-calls, as it often does and you head to the portable restrooms that were placed out of sight behind a tent somewhere. If you’re in a dress, you better lift it up when you get in there. If you’re in a suit, watch your shoes! Were you hoping for lighting and a mirror to fix your hair? No such luck. The Bride and Groom didn’t put much thought into what kind of portable restrooms they rented and have left the guests (and themselves) with only one option: A poorly maintained and very uninviting portable restroom.
What’s unfortunate about that situation, outside of that horrid bathroom, is that no matter how wonderful that wedding was, the memory of that bathroom will still remain. It’s a shame. A seamless wedding where absolutely nothing was overlooked or forgotten isn’t realistic. That’s okay, too. If the DJ played some awkward songs that weren’t on your playlist; laugh about it later. If that distant Uncle of yours had a little too much to drink and danced outrageously to all those odd songs; laugh even more! Those memories will become good ones later on. That bathroom situation, however, will likely not. Let Suburban Sanitation Services provide you with facilities that are fitting for your big day. We provide luxury portable restrooms as comfortable as bathrooms in your own home. We have different size restroom trailers depending on your wants and needs. Experience has taught us to make a detailed checklist to be sure that nothing is missed. These trailers feature:
Special days require special planning. When the comfort of your guests is of paramount importance, count on Suburban for all your portable restroom needs. We'll even provide attendants, if needed! Call Sharon at 860-673-3078 or 1-800-899-4337 if you have any questions or would like more information! No matter what kind of event you are planning, we are here to help!
Best Wishes,
Your Friends At
Suburban Sanitation Services